Global EnerTec AG
Global EnerTec AG

About us

Growing piles of garbage as well as great environmental pressures on the one hand, expensive and scarce raw materials on the other hand - how can one form from both facts economic-, energy- and resource-efficient, and environmentally friendly the raw material for the production of new goods or equipment? This is the subject of this research area recycling.

The Global EnerTec AG is the corporate response to the changed circumstances of the disposal market. The Innovation and Research Center for Energy and Recycling in Guben (IRCER) aims to gain from household and commercial waste, bio-waste, waste from electronics and electrical industry, shredder light-material, used tires, petroleum coke and all other organic secondary waste wholly owned recyclables.

In result of the of us used and patented methods and technologies are obtained oils and liquid fuels, activated coke, gas, electricity, heat and fertilizer emission-free and environmentally friendly.

We offer our know-how and technologies in the following areas:

- energy production

- recycling

- recovery

We offer the industry new perspectives for a 100 percent processing of recyclable materials and for protecting our environment. Our products are an economic as well as ecological benefit for all those involved in this market. Our technologies will make a major contribution to environmentally preservation of our earth. That is our unique selling proposition (USP).

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